Electric School and Transit Bus Pilot Program - Bus RFPs
Request Date: 7/2/2020 11:20:52 AM
Open Date:
Closing Date: 9/10/2020 4:00 PM
Intent To Bid Deadline:
Est. Dollar Value: $0.00
RFQ Number:
Vermont Energy Investment Corporation
20 Winooski Falls Way
5th Floor
Bid Type: Request for Proposal
Keywords: Transportation Services
Bid Description:
On behalf of three Vermont school districts and one transit agency, the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation and VEIC are seeking proposals from prospective vendors for the purchase of 8 electric buses: 6 school buses and 2 transit buses.
The Procuring Agencies are seeking proposals for the purchase of battery electric buses as part of an electric bus pilot program, supported by the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust (EMT). The pilot will evaluate: the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of electric buses and electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) operating under conditions comparable to conventional diesel-powered buses (i.e., year-round under a full range of route conditions and settings, such as rural and urban routes) in the state; as well as quantify the reduction in NOx and greenhouse gas emissions as described in the state’s Beneficiary Mitigation Plan for the Volkswagen EMT. Findings from the pilot will be used to encourage and inform future electric bus purchases by Vermont transit agencies, school districts, and school bus contractors operating in Vermont.
Procurement details and specifications can be found in the Requests for Proposals linked below. School bus proposals are due on August 6, 2020. Transit bus proposals are due September 10, 2020
Special Instructions: Please note that the Transit Bus RFP deadline has been extended to September 10, 2020. See the updated schedule below for details. The School Bus RFP deadline remains August 6, 2020. The Transit Bus RFP is broken into three parts, please be sure to download all three parts before completing. Responses to all questions received to date are included in the Q&A document linked below. This will be updated once per week.
Gillig LLC
10/22/2020 |
451 Discovery Dr. Livermore, CA
$1,677,949.00 |
The Lion Electric Co
8/27/2020 |
4522 Parker Avenue McClellan Park, CA
$1,440,112.00 |
ANDCO, Inc. DBA Anderson Blue Bird Sales of New England
8/27/2020 |
170 Amaral Street East Providence, RI
$691,538.00 |